Active And Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Active And Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Exercise Simple Past Tense change the voice

The passive voice of perfect past tense shows the action was done on object. In a passive voice of perfect past tense, to interchange the sentence of active voice into passive voice, the form of ‘have’ in past tense that is, ‘had’ is used with ‘been’ and past participle of a verb. We shall take some sentences of perfect past tense. Active and Passive Voice Exercises Past Perfect Tense – 1. The postman had already delivered the letters. They had made his chairman. The bankers had already opened the gate. He had never visited Agra before. I had finished my work by 4 pm, He had already missed the train. The cricketers had played two matches by 4 pm.

Example: Alex threw the ball. The ball was thrown by Alex.

  • Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Active Voice Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Active Voice: Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Active Voice. He had been authoring five books. He had been buying oranges in dozens. He had been charging a battery. He had been driving his car to his office. He had been facing a problem. He had been giving me an apple.
  • Active and Passive Voice Exercises Past Perfect Tense – 1. The postman had already delivered the letters. They had made his chairman. The bankers had already opened the gate. He had never visited Agra before. I had finished my work by 4 pm, He had already missed the train. The cricketers had played two matches by 4 pm; Who had invited you to the party?
  1. Edison invented the first gramophone.
  2. The cat drank all the milk.
  3. They did not expect me.
  4. Did you make a noise?
  5. The teacher did not beat them.
  6. They did not win the prize.
  7. A thief stole my bike.
  8. Alec cleaned the home.
  9. Jenny wrote a letter.
  10. When did he do his home task?
  11. Where did you find the diary?
  12. Which picture did you see last night?
  13. Tom did not make a cake.

Answer key

  1. The first gramophone was invented by Edison.
  2. All the milk was drunk by the cat.
  3. I was not expected by them.
  4. Was a noise made by you?
  5. They were not beaten by the teacher.
  6. The prize was not won by them.
  7. My bike was stolen by a thief.
  8. The home was cleaned by Alec.
  9. A letter was written by Jenny.
  10. When was his home task done by him?
  11. Where was the diary found by you?
  12. Which picture was seen by you last night?
  13. A cake was not made by Tom.

Exercise Past Continuous Tense change the voice

Example: They were playing a game. A game was being played by them.

  1. He was revising his books.
  2. She was not plucking the flowers.
  3. Jenny was singing a song.
  4. I was not running a race.
  5. Was she giving a lecture?
  6. She was not abusing them.
  7. Were you not writing a story- book?
  8. I was preparing his bike.
  9. Why were you wasting your time?
  10. What was Ruth doing?
  11. Whom were you abusing?
  12. Why were they plucking the flowers?
Active and passive voice of past perfect continuous tense definition

Answer key

  1. His books were being revised by him.
  2. The flowers were being plucked by her.
  3. A song was being sung by Jenny.
  4. A race was not being run by me.
  5. Was a lecture being given by her?
  6. They were not being abused by her.
  7. Was a story-book being written by you?
  8. His bike was being prepared by me.
  9. Why was your time being wasted by you?
  10. What was being done by Ruth?
  11. Who was being abused by you?
  12. Why were the flowers being plucked by them?

Exercise Past perfect Tense change the voice

Example: She had already taken the medicine. The medicine had been taken by her.

  1. The little boy had broken the window.
  2. I had lost my wallet.
  3. I had already taken this dish before.
  4. Ruth had not noticed me.
  5. I had lost the key.
  6. The servant had not posted the letter.
  7. Had he posted the letter?
  8. Had Mark cleaned the room?
  9. Why had you disturbed her?
  10. What had you done?
  11. Why had you torn the letter?

Answer key

  1. The window had been broken by the little boy.
  2. My wallet had been lost by me.
  3. This dish had not been tested by me before.
  4. I had not been noticed by Ruth.
  5. The key had been lost by me.
  6. The letter had not been posted by the servant.
  7. Had the letter been posted by him?
  8. Had the room been cleaned by Mark?
  9. Why had she been disturbed by you?
  10. What had been done by you?
  11. Why had the letter been torn by you?

If you want to learn about Active Voice and Passive Voice then click below on the link to learn them

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Passive Voice of Perfect Past Tense?- How to Form?

The passive voice of perfect past tense shows the action was done on object. In a passive voice of perfect past tense, to interchange the sentence of active voice into passive voice, the form of ‘have’ in past tense that is, ‘had’ is used with ‘been’ and past participle of a verb.

We shall take some sentences of perfect past tense.

  • I had drunk water.
  • They had completed the work.

Both of the above sentences are in an active voice. Now we shall see the formation.

Formation of active voice and passive voice in the perfect past tense

Active voice

Active And Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition

The formation of a sentence in an active voice is-

  • Subject + had +past participle of verb + object + remaining words

Passive voice

The formation of a passive sentence in perfect past tense is-

  • Object + had + been + past participle of verb+ by + subject

Now we shall see how we can change active sentences into passive.

In the sentence-

  • I had drunk water.

‘I’ subject + had + past participle of ‘drink’ + object ‘water’

Now, we have to change this sentence into a passive voice.

Active And Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense Formula

According to the formation given above, we can write the passive voice of the above sentence as;

  • Water had been drunk by me.

Water (object) + had + been + past participle of ‘drink’ + by + me

Active And Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense Ppt

Example with Three Persons

Let’s take an example with three persons of singular as well as a plural number in tabular form.

Have a look-

Active And Passive Voice Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense In Urdu

1st person -IActive VoiceI had finished the work.
Passive VoiceThe work had been finished by me.
WeActive VoiceWe had finished the work.
Passive VoiceThe work had been finished by us.
2nd person -YouActive VoiceYou had finished the work.
Passive VoiceThe work had been finished by you.
YouActive VoiceYou had finished the work
Passive VoiceThe work had been finished by you.
3rd person - HeActive VoiceHe had finished the work.
Passive VoiceThe work had been finished by him.
SheActive VoiceShe had finished the work
Passive VoiceThe work had been finished by her.
TheyActive VoiceThey had finished the work.
Passive VoiceThe work had been finished by them.

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