Glodberg 2k15 To Go Out

Glodberg 2k15 To Go Out - fasrda Wwe 2k15 Goldberg Mod Download - majorlasopa Lana Gets Revenge on Rusev - WWE 2K15 Mods (PC) Wwe, Revenge, Wrestling Sheamus (WWE 2K15) Superstar Mod for WWE 2K19 WWE 2K15 PC Mods - Kurt Angle Mod (SVR 07 Attire & Titantron) - YouTube. Whoopi Goldberg Cut Off Meghan McCain & She Was Not Happy – Watch The Tense Moment There was a tense moment on The View on Monday when Whoopi Goldberg cut off Meghan McCain to go to commercial. Whoopi Goldberg is offering a health update to fans after a weeklong absence from 'The View.' I'm back,' Goldberg, 65, greeted viewers of the daytime talk show Tuesday. Goldberg, who is a spokesperson for the prescription drug Nurtec ODT, says the medication (which dissolves in the mouth) helped her find real relief from migraines for the first time.

Last week we had a chance to sit in on a conference call to discuss the new mode in WWE 2K15, 2K Showcase. This mode will feature two of the top rivalries in WWE history, Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels from 2002 through 2004 and John Cena vs. CM Punk from 2011 through 2013. Yes, you read that correctly, CM Punk is in WWE 2K15 and featured in the new mode in a major way.
The rivalries will be played out over the course of 33 matches. It will also be presented like a mini documentary produced by the WWE themselves, so we will see live action interviews as well as other video cuts. 2K emphasized that they want moments played out exactly the same way they did on TV. Throughout playing the mode you will unlock wrestlers, game play modes and different wrestler outfits as well. They also stated that new rivalries would be coming out in the future via DLC, but they aren’t ready to discuss any of those right now.
The John Cena vs. CM Punk rivalry mode will be playable at Gamescom in Germany and over SummerSlam weekend in Los Angeles.
Shawn Michaels was on the conference call as well and stated that in his 25 years of wrestling, that having his face captured for WWE 2K15 on PS4/Xbox One was the most cameras he had ever been in front of at one time. He was very proud that his career would be exposed to future generations via this game and how lifelike it looks.
WWE 2K15 is set to launch on October 28th for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.
Read the full press release below.
2K today announced details of 2K Showcase, the story-driven single-player campaign in WWE® 2K15, the forthcoming release in the flagship WWE video game franchise. Through high quality cinematics and historic WWE footage, players will intimately explore two notable WWE rivalries: the bitter rivalry between Triple H® and Shawn Michaels® from 2002 to 2004, as well as WWE 2K15 cover Superstar John Cena® and CM Punk®’s spirited rivalry spanning 2011 to 2013.
“The moment Triple H ended his longtime friendship with ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ by slamming him with a Pedigree was a defining moment in WWE history,” said Chris Snyder, Vice President of Marketing at 2K. “No fan can deny the fierce competition marking the notorious battles waged between Cena and Punk. These two rivalries are firmly etched in WWE history, and 2K Showcase enables fans to take part in those memorable experiences.”
2K Showcase will tell the epic history of the two rivalries through documentary-style video packages of classic WWE footage, authentic WWE Superstar commentary and cinematic cut scenes. In the 33 available matches across the rivalries, players will be tasked with completing a set of bonus historical objectives that will unlock new WWE Superstars, Championship titles and alternate attire that can be used in all other WWE 2K15 game modes. With this wealth of unlockable content, players can recreate current rivalries or stage dream matchups between WWE Superstars of the past and present. Additional 2K Showcase rivalries will be made available via downloadable content following the game’s scheduled release on October 28, 2014 in North America and October 31, 2014 internationally.Glodberg 2k15 To Go Out
“Featuring two of the biggest rivalries in WWE history, including my storied matches with Shawn Michaels, there’s no doubt fans will experience the thrill first-hand through WWE 2K15,” said Paul “Triple H” Levesque, Executive Vice President, Talent, Live Events & Creative at WWE. “2K Showcase brings WWE to life in a way our fans have never seen before through a video game.”

Game: WWE 2K15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 6 - View All

# 1bostonchipster @ 08/11/14 08:04 AM
There's my preorder...fantastic choices for the first two rivalries.
# 2AirJordanFan93 @ 08/11/14 08:05 AM
Im pretty happy with these rivalries. I love the HHH/HBK heud though it is the WWE nerd in me I hope they accurately portray the attires for HHH and Shawn from that era right I want old school HBK tights. Cena/Punk is the best choice they cold of gone with choosing a Cena feud.
# 3eaterofworlds888 @ 08/11/14 08:05 AM
Wow, that really surprises me. I figured he wouldn't be in.
# 4BEARYChi @ 08/11/14 08:12 AM
# 5R9NALD9 @ 08/11/14 08:14 AM
Triple H vs Shawn Michaels is fine...but Cena vs Punk... :|
Off all the incredible rivalries Austin/Rock, Austin/Triple H, Undertaker/Shawn Michaels, Undertaker/Kane, Sting/NWO, Rock/Mankind etc. these are the two they come up with?
I hope and pray that the DLC rivalries are better.
# 6TheBleedingRed21 @ 08/11/14 08:36 AM
HHH and HBK is a great choice.
The other, ovbiously they are going to have a more recent rivalry for newer fans. They wouldn't choose two rivalries that are older that the younger generation might not remember.
# 7RyanLaFalce @ 08/11/14 08:42 AM
I'm happy Punk is in the game. I doubt I'll be playing this mode as I usually buy all unlockables day 1 and get right to universe mode.
# 8Mercury112491 @ 08/11/14 08:43 AM
Those are two awesome rivalries!! I'm most curious about Cena/Punk since they never really had a long proper feud(beyond the initial one). It'll be interesting where they stop that since they never had a big feud ending Wrestlemania match.
# 9countryboy @ 08/11/14 09:05 AM
I was already going to buy this game, but now my excitement level is through the roof! CM Punk is in the game!!!!
Hurry up October!
# 10IowaAJ @ 08/11/14 09:13 AM
I wonder if Punks famous speech will be in the game. Two really good choices I would guess that the DLC will probably have a Austin vs Rock or one of the other big one's. I think I will be buying this game now.
# 11LBzrule @ 08/11/14 09:15 AM
Two great choices. Now for DLC they need to add Rock vs Stone Cold or Stone Cold vs Mr. McMahon. Also wouldn't mind them pulling one from WCW Sting vs Rick Flair.
# 12CM Hooe @ 08/11/14 09:16 AM
Glad to see that CM Punk and Shawn Michaels made the cut.
# 13ChrisHansen59 @ 08/11/14 09:57 AM
That render looks weird, like his head is way too big for his body or something.
Now that I think about it, they might have only been able to scan pictures that WWE made available to them for Punk's model and render.
Regardless, good to hear that there's going to be DLC rivalries in addition to these two. Cena and Punk had one of the best 'I'm a better wrestler than you' rivalries and HBK and HHH was an all-around classic.
# 14tbennett54 @ 08/11/14 10:04 AM
# 15RyanLaFalce @ 08/11/14 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by tbennett54
I would assume that you just pick 3 different match types for the game.
# 16almostbobsaget @ 08/11/14 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisHansen59
That render looks weird, like his head is way too big for his body or something.
Now that I think about it, they might have only been able to scan pictures that WWE made available to them for Punk's model and render.
Regardless, good to hear that there's going to be DLC rivalries in addition to these two. Cena and Punk had one of the best 'I'm a better wrestler than you' rivalries and HBK and HHH was an all-around classic.
I'm sure he was scanned, whether before he left or 2K could have reached out to him separately and paid him to use his likeness like they did Hogan, Goldberg, etc. last year. I'm going with the second option since Punk owns his name and likeness and is no longer under contract so they'd (2K) have to have an agreement with Punk to use him in the game.
And this obviously means he's coming back soon and him leaving was all a work, guys.
# 17Mercury112491 @ 08/11/14 10:24 AM
He'd had still be under contract at the time they would have needed to get his model into the game though I think.
# 18Majingir @ 08/11/14 10:28 AM
Imagine WWE advertising the rivalry mode on Raw. Gonna be awkward for sure for them lol. They already hate the CM Punk chants, and now it'll be even bigger if they mention him on TV again(which they might be forced to if they talk about the video game)
# 19EAGLESFAN10 @ 08/11/14 10:46 AM
I'm not going to lie I'm surprised CM Punk is in the game
But I thought we would see Cena vs Orton
I'm excited but since they released this so early I hope they give us another piece of information later today
# 20RyanLaFalce @ 08/11/14 10:47 AM
Glodberg 2k15 To Go Out
Originally Posted by EAGLESFAN10
I'm not going to lie I'm surprised CM Punk is in the game
But I thought we would see Cena vs Orton
I'm excited but since they released this so early I hope they give us another piece of information later today
They always release information early in the day.

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It's weird how the console 'generations' always go. When new machines are announced, and the first videos start to leak, your mind drifts off into a world of incredible new worlds, fantastical games, and modes that could never be achieved on the current hardware. The reality, sadly, tends to be somewhat different, with buggy games, rushed out in time for launch, desperate to capitalise on a fresh market. And that would explain why WWE 2K15 has so many problems - if it had arrived a year earlier.

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The first WWE game on 'next gen' formats (that's PS4 and Xbox One to the rest of us), WWE 2K15 has all the hallmarks of a rushed-to-market game - yet it's come out a year after the consoles launched. As you can see from the picture above, it's certainly had a lick of paint, with Randy Orton's muscles glistening like never before, and every line of his countless tattoos rendered in glorious HD - but that's about where the improvements stop.

Goldberg 2k15 To Go Out West

Under the surface, WWE 2K15 is pretty much the same as the games that have come before it. With a decent selection of WWE stars on offer, from the huge names like John Cena and Daniel Bryan through to folks from the developmental NXT show like Adrian Neville, there's very little that's been changed with the actual gameplay here. Grappling and strikes are still handled by two buttons, moves are still pretty much unbreakable once they've begun (you can sit punching someone mid finisher, and it usually won't have an affect), with the real differences being only minor tweaks. There's a new 'collar and elbow hook up' minigame, which turns the initial grapple into a game of rock, paper, scissors, and a new 'exhaustion' pin, which lets you crawl towards a downed foe rather than having to expend the energy to get back up, but beyond that, the gameplay is pretty much the same old, same old. There's an OK range of match types, from Hell in a Cells to triple threat matches and Money in the Bank ladder matches here too, but beyond that, something feels... missing.

In fact, there's quite a lot missing. From the ability to create an entrance video for your custom grappler, to the much loved instant-replay 'highlight reel' feature, that let you put together a custom highlights clips from your match (and show off any amazing glitches you found), there are weird omissions and random cuts galore. Perhaps the area that's been cut back the most - and which has the most effect on your game - is the create a wrestler mode. Where before you had hundreds of options available, now, you have a grand total of 18 different types of hair (half of which are variations on buzz cuts, none of which are 'fros), with no option for adjusting the length; six different types of glasses (none of which are monocles); and no ties. Basically getting rid of a load of the clothing options from the previous games, your create a wrestler options are a lot more limited this time around - which is odd, because you'll be using them a lot more.

One of the biggest additions for the next gen version of WWE 2K15 is 'My Career', which has become colloquially known as 'NXT mode' online. Letting you take your created wrestler from zero to hero, this is a career mode that sees you start out in the WWE developmental facility, before moving up to rookie show NXT, and working your way up to the main shows, and the heavyweight title. With a light storyline guiding the action, and a few branches depending on how you do, My Career is a slow paced mode that introduces a few new concepts. First up is that your character will change depending on how you wrestle each match - cheat, and the fans will turn you 'heel', but ham it up in the ring, and you'll get over as a 'babyface'. You'll also be rated on how you do in each match out of five stars, with one sided squash matches rating lowly, while more technical, back and forth encounters will rank more highly. This is a bit of a weird concept to get your head around, as it actually rewards you for doing poorly. Go into a match and totally dominate your opponent, and you'll actually be worse off than if you only just manage to squeeze out the win. The better you do, the more points you'll get, which can be spent upgrading your wrestler's stats, making it easier to win your future matches, and turning you into championship material.

Somehow, Cena looks even more like a caveman here than in real life...

The game's other big mode is the somewhat unusually named 2K Showcase. This is the game's 'main' story mode, and focuses in great detail on two very specific feuds - CM Punk vs John Cena from 2011-2013, and HHH vs 'HBK' Shawn Michaels from 2003-2004. Brilliantly presented, with real life video packages and TV style voice overs filling in the plot between each match, this is a mode that ticks all the boxes in terms of style, but feels a bit too much filler when it comes to actually playing it. The CM Punk vs John Cena storyline, for example, features 19 matches - 7 of which are CM Punk vs John Cena. Sure, you'll be playing as a alternating sides, and CM Punk's pants/John Cena's shirts change to a different garish colour with each match, but these are all just straight, one on one contests. Whether it's a question of art imitating life (as let's face it, the main events don't change all that often on TV either), the focus on a rivalry between just two wrestlers makes this seem more repetitive than it needs to be, especially when it's otherwise so well presented.

The matches here are a little bit different to the norm, too. Rather than simply having to pummel your opponent as quickly as you can, here, you have a number of optional 'bonus objectives' to complete. While you can still steamroll your foe if you want, completing these special goals, usually by performing certain moves that actually happened in the match you're 'replaying', will trigger a special cutscene, as your match ends up happening as it actually took place, in ancient WWE. Whether you're performing a GTS on Cena when he's moderately damaged (as handily indicated by a little figure that pops up on screen when their damage state changes), or whipping someone out of the ring at the right time, for every goal you complete, you'll earn one of the game's many unlockables - which sounds cool, until you realise 14 of them are just different colours of CM Punk.

Goldberg 2k15 To Go Out Of Stock

The WWE Universe mode also makes its return here, again providing an unlimited array of matches and wrestlers, as you get to make your own shows, switch rosters around, crown champions, strip them, make new tag teams and essentially play god with the WWE - the only problem is, it has all the same problems as before. Should you choose to throw one of your create a wrestlers into the mix, with the intent of seeing what storylines you get thrown into, good luck - the matches you get given seem totally random, and without any real rhyme or reason, before you know it you'll be number one contender for the US Title, without even having really had to have a fight to get there. It's also incredibly disappointing, as we noted last year, that this still doesn't really like you playing together with your friends. If you could all choose a wrestler, form a faction, and then chart your path through the WWE, interfering in matches, being paired together, and generally wreaking havoc, it'd be fantastic - but instead, there's no way to interfere in a friend's match, and your team will regularly be booked is singles contests. Oh, and there's still no way for women to fight the men either.

Goldberg 2k15 To Go Out Of Business

Format Reviewed: Playstation 4