Hindi Christian Songs Midi Files Free Download

Blessings to you, the readers of this page, in Jesus Christ our Lord. May He guide you and protect you always.

KEYWORDS: Jesus Christ music Christian MIDI hymns worship songs Jesus Christ music files performance quality choir gospel songs mostly all original MIDI sequences some original songs MP3 MP3's Bill McGinnis ministries download *** free public domain

Welcome to Christmusic: MIDI hymns and worship songs on the Internet!
Beautiful Christian Music In The Public Domain

A music producer lost the inspiration and couldn’t create a new track. In this case, Midi files come him in handy. Midi files based on the artwork of popular composers is a great source of inspiration for creating new music for anyone. In this article, we present you Best Free Midi Files of 2019. There are dozens of various websites with Midi. FREE Christian Contemporary Midis! A Awesome God Awesome in this Place All consuming fire As David Did. B Battle belongs to our God Butterfly kisses Be Bold Blessed be the name of the Lord Blow the trumpet in Zion Before the Rock Cry Out. C Create in Me a Clean heart Celebrate Jesus Change my heart oh God. D Did you feel the.


Web Page By Rev. Bill McGinnis, Pastor - InternetChurchOfChrist.org
Director - Internet Church Of Christ - LoveAllPeople.org

Hello Child of God,

This page is written by His authority to provide you with worship musicyou would might otherwise not have. I pray that it is a blessing to you. If there is anything I can do to make it more useful to you, please let me know.

Everything residing here on this Christmusic.ws website is now in thePublic Domain, so you may useit any way you want. Some material may still havea copyright notice affixed, but this paragraph cancels all copyrightnotices on my material. It's yours, a gift.

NOTE: Please also see our Christian Song Search Index Page - Listing 221 Great Christian Songs, With Links To FreeMusic Videos, Chords, Lyrics,
and Much More at =>http://www.loveallpeople.org/songsearch-indexpage.html

Featured Song Today . . .

Christmas Song - 'In The Bleak Midwinter'

Text: Christina G. Rossetti, 1830-1894
Music: Gustav Holst, 1874-1934

MIDI music file to download at =>http://www.loveallpeople.org/inthebleakmidwinter.mid
HTML page with lyrics and beautiful Music Video by Corrinne May at =>http://www.loveallpeople.org/inthebleakmidwinter.html

This page has three main kinds of links: (1) Links to my own originalmusic and my MIDI sequences of other favorite hymns and worship songs;(2) Links to other MIDI hymns around the Internet; and (3) Links that helpyou with MIDI, unzipping, and other technicalities.


This is the home for my original MIDI compositions and adaptations.

Most of these are optimized for General MIDI synthesizer, and arranged infour-part harmony with instrumentation suitable for choir and congregation.The style (for most of these) is simple and durable, trying to follow theexample set by Lowell Mason, the great 19th century composer/arranger.

For some of these, there is a MIDI file, lyrics, and documentation, all compressed into one .ZIP file for each hymn. Also, the MIDI filesand lyrics are available separately. Some also have the MIDI fileencoded on the same page as the lyrics.

Hindi Christian Songs Midi Files Free Download Mp3

Christmas Carols

Here are four of my favorites, located at this website. Printed words and music for these songs, and hundreds more, are available inMY FAVORITE HYMNAL (please clickHERE!)
For links to all of our Christmas Pages, please clickHere!

Joy To The World - Original poem by Isaac Watts; Music by Handel, arrangedbyLowell Mason, with MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis, attempting to presentthe classic Lowell Mason arrangement. => Joy To The World - Lyrics=> Joy To The World - MIDI =>Joy To The World - HTML page

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - The song as we know it is based on anoriginal poem by Charles Wesley, altered by George Whitefield in1753; music by Mendelssohn, arranged by William H. Cummings, withMIDI sequrence by Bill McGinnis, attempting to present the classic Cummingsarrangement.=> Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Lyrics=> Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - MIDI=> Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - HTML

Angels From The Realms Of Glory - Lyrics by James Montgomery, music by Henry T. Smart. MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis, based on a Public Domain arrangement.=> Angels From The Realms Of Glory - Lyrics=> Angels From The Realms Of Glory - MIDI=> Angels From The Realms Of Glory - HTML page

Away In A Manger - Words in verses 1 and 2 are by an unknown author, verse 3 by John Thomas McFarland; Music by William J. Kirkpatrick - Public Domain. MIDI file sequenced by Bill McGinnis from a published Public Domain arrangement. Public Domain. => Away In A Manger - Lyrics=> Away In A Manger - MIDI=>Away In A Manger - HTML page

For links to all of our Christmas Pages, please clickHere!

ZIP File Containing All The MIDI Files At This Site

Here is a way to download all the MIDI files residing at this site,zippedinto one file. NOTE: This file includes several songs not linked on this page.=> http://www.loveallpeople.org/bmcgmidi.zip

Individual Songs

And now, on with the individual songs . . .

'When I Survey The Wondrous Cross'

This is considered by many people to be the greatest hymn in the Englishlanguage. The poem is by Isaac Watts, and the music is the hymn tuneHAMBURG, by Lowell Mason, based on the First Gregorian Chant. MIDIsequence by Bill McGinnis.=> Lyrics=>Small MIDI File of HAMBURG=>HTML

'Happy Mother's Day To You'

Original words and music by Rev. Bill McGinnis. Arrangement and MIDI sequence also by Rev. Bill McGinnis.
NOTE: On Mother's Day 2006, I was hoping to find a simple little Mother's Day song to sing to various mothers I know (my own mother having passed away). I wanted to find something similar to 'Happy Birthday To You,' which would be short, happy, simple, easy to remember. But I couldn't seem to find anything like that. Suddenly this melody popped into my head, and I wrote it down and made a MIDI file of it. Then came the words, followed by the words for another new song, 'May The Lord Sweep Over You,' using the same melody. Here are both of them, now in the Public Domain for everyone to use freely. Enjoy. If you want to write some new words to use with this melody (or any other melody on this page) you are invited to do so.

=>MIDI =>HTML, with Lyrics

'May The Lord Sweep Over You'

Original words and music by Rev. Bill McGinnis. Arrangement and MIDI sequence also by Rev. Bill McGinnis.
=>MIDI (same music as 'Happy Mother's Day To You,' above)=>HTML, with Lyrics

In Christ There Is No East Or West

Words by John Oxenham, Music by Alexander R. Reinagle, both are Public Domain. MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis from a Public Domain arrangment.

=> MIDI music file atMIDI =>HTML With lyrics

'In The Garden'

Words and Music by Charles Austin Miles; MIDI sequence by Rev. Bill McGinnis. All are in the Public Domain.

MIDI music file atMIDI =>HTML With lyrics

'Abide With Me'

Music by William H. Monk, words by Henry F. Lyte, MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis, Public Domain.=> LYRICS=> Large MIDI=>HTML

'Breathe On Me, Breath Of God'

Lyrics by Edwin Hatch (1835-1889), music is the hymn tune TRENTHAM by Robert Jackson (1842-1914). MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis. Everything here is Public Domain. => LYRICS=> Small MIDI=>HTML


Original lyrics and music by Bill McGinnis. Arrangement and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis. Public Domain.=> LYRICS=> Small MIDI=>HTML

'Love Divine, All Loves Excelling'

Lyrics by Charles Wesley (1747); music is the hymn tune BEECHER, by John Zundel (1870); MIDI file by Bill McGinnis, altered from an existing Public Domain MIDI file. Everything here is Public Domain => LYRICS=> Small MIDI=>HTML

'My Jesus, I Love Thee'


Lyrics by William Rolf Featherstone, music by Adoniram J. Gordon, MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.A beautiful, straightforward song of praise. A classic favorite.=> LYRICS=> Large MIDI=> HTML

'America The Beautiful'

Words by Katherine Lee Bates, music by Samuel A. Ward (hymn tune MATERNA). MIDI file sequenced from a published Public Domain arrangement by Bill McGinnis. Everything here is Public Domain, free for all to use without restriction.=> Lyrics=>Small MIDI File Of AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL=>HTML Page with auto-start MIDI file and beautiful Picture

'A Mighty Fortress Is Our God'

Words by Martin Luther, translated into English. Music is the hymn tuneEIN' FESTE BURG, byMartin Luther, arranged by J. S. Bach.MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.=> Lyrics=>Small MIDI File Of EIN' FESTE BURG=>HTML=>MP3 Audio File athttp://www.loveallpeople.org/amightyfortress.mp3- Free, Public Domain. Will play on most media players and portable MP3 players. Okay to download and share.

'Deep River'

Traditional American spiritual song.Words and music anonymous, Public Domain. Arrangement and MIDI sequenceby Bill McGinnis, altered from existing Public Domain sources.=> Lyrics=>Small MIDI File=>HTML

'Were You There?'

Traditional American spiritual song.Words and music anonymous, Public Domain. Arrangement and MIDI sequenceby Bill McGinnis, from existing Public Domain sources.=>Lyrics=>Small MIDI=>HTML

'Holy, Holy, Holy'

A standard item in Christian churches for many years. Text byReginald Heber, hymn tune NICAEA by John B. Dykes. MIDI sequence byBill McGinnis.=> Lyrics=>Small MIDI File Of NICAEA=>HTML

'Do You Know Jesus?'

Praise and Worship song. Words, music, and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.=> Lyrics=>Lyrics With Chords=> Large MIDI =>Small MIDI =>HTML

'This Is My Father's World'

Lyrics by Maltbie D. Babcock, music by Franklin L. Sheppard, MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.A classic favorite. LYRICS=> Large MIDI=> HTML

'Jerusalem, My Happy Home'

This is a plea from earlier Christians for a better life in heaventhan they had here on earth. I selected the most powerful verses from thislong text, and added new music of my own. The text was directlyinspired by Revelation 21:1-8, which describes The New Jerusalem,where Christians will live forever with the Lord.The English words are more than 400 years old, but they are as clearand plaintiveas if they were written yesterday. The English words are based on thewords of St. Augustine, another 1,200 years earlier.Music, arrangement, and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.=> Selected LYRICS=>Complete LYRICS=> Large MIDI=>Small MIDI

'It Is Well With My Soul'

A beautiful favorite hymn of many people.Lyrics by H. G. Spafford, music by P. P. Bliss, MIDI sequenceby Bill McGinnis. => LYRICS=> Large MIDI=> HTML

'What A Friend We Have In Jesus'

(Music is 'Informal.')

Lyrics by Joseph Scriven, music by Charles. C. Converse, arrangementand MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis. => LYRICS=> Large MIDI=> HTML

'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus'

This is a durable favorite for many Christians, and it beautifully describes one of the main benefits of giving yourself to the Lord:You can trust Him to take care of you!Lyrics by Louisa M. R. Stead, music by William J. Kirkpatrick, MIDIsequence by Bill McGinnis.=>ZIP: 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus'=> Lyrics and Chords => Large MIDI => HTML

The most important single thing you can do in your life is to establisha personal relationship with Jesus Christ, in which He is your personal Lord and Saviour, and you are His trusting follower. If you do this one thing, you will find joy and happiness now and forever. If you do not do this one thing, you will continue to deprive yourself of the many blessings God has intended for you to receive.If you have not yet accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, you can do so now by clicking HERE! >

'Fairest Lord Jesus'

A classic favorite, words and music. General MIDI file, documentationand lyrics for this powerful and moving hymn which originated during theCrusades.Words: Anonymous, from Munster Gesangbuch; translated by Joseph A. Seiss (with altered first verse ?). Music is a Silesian folk melody, published as Schlesische Volkslieder, arranged by Richard S. Willis. Believed to have been sung by Crusaders, known as 'Crusaders' Hymn.' Historical details at http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/f/a/faljesus.htm.MIDI file sequencedfrom a published Public Domain arrangement by Bill McGinnis. Everything here is Public Domain =>ZIP: 'Fairest Lord Jesus' => Lyrics => Large MIDI =>HTML page with words, music, and illustration.

Also FindChristian Books and Christian & Gospel Music atAmazon.com!

'O The Blood of Jesus'

A simple but powerful song of praise. General MIDI file, documentationand lyrics. Demons flee when they hear this song. Lyrics and music areanonymous; arrangement and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis. =>ZIP: 'O The Blood of Jesus' => Lyrics => Large MIDI => HTML

'Christ, Whose Glory Fills The Skies'

Original hymn tune OMNIA GLORIA for a classic text.General MIDI file, documentation and lyrics for this powerful CharlesWesley text. Other tunes are already available for this text, but this is a new attempt, hymn tune OMNIA GLORIA, by Bill McGinnis. Music, arrangement, and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.=>ZIP: 'Christ, Whose Glory Fills The Skies' => Lyrics => Large MIDI => HTML

'O Holy Spirit, Enter Within Me'

This is an original hymn which the Lord gave to me. Words,music, and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.


=>ZIP: 'O Holy Spirit, Enter Within Me' => Lyrics => Large MIDI => HTML

'When Jesus Comes Into Your Heart'

This is the first hymn (or perhaps 'praise song') which the Lord gave to me in 1995, right after I was born again. It was a present fromHim and a sign that He was with me. At first, I didn't know what to do, but then He led me through the steps to its completion.Words, music, and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.


=>ZIP: 'When Jesus Comes Into Your Heart'=> Lyrics => Large MIDI => HTML

'For The Beauty Of The Earth'

General MIDI file and some documentation for this well-known standardhymn. Lyrics by Folliott S. Pierpont, music by Conrad Kocher, MIDIsequence by Bill McGinnis.=>ZIP: 'For The Beauty Of The Earth'=> Lyrics => Large MIDI => HTML

Also FindChristian Books and Christian & Gospel Music atAmazon.com!

'And Can It Be?'

Original hymn tune for a classic text. General MIDI file, documentation and lyrics for this powerful CharlesWesley text. Other tunes are already available for this text, but this isa new effort. Original sheet music is available onrequest, via regular mail. Music, arrangement, and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.
=>ZIP: 'And Can It Be?' => Lyrics => Large MIDI => HTML

'O God, This Precious Earth Thou Gave'

This is a .ZIP file containing MIDI files and sheet music for an originalhymn 'O God, This Precious Earth Thou Gave.' It also has lyrics and otherdocumentation.Words, music, and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis.


This is a largefile, because of the sheet music graphics files. =>ZIP: 'O God, This Precious Earth Thou Gave' => Lyrics => Large MIDI

Thanksgiving Song

'We Gather Together'

Words translated by Theodore Baker, 1894. Music is a Dutch melody arranged by Edward Kremser, 1877. MIDI arrangement and sequence by Bill McGinnis. Everything here is Public Domain. => Lyrics=>MIDI File=>HTML File
To make your own MP3's, see =>http://MAKE-YOUR-OWN-MP3s.com

NOTE: For each song mentioned on this page . . . and many more . . . we have much additional information available linked from ourSongSearch pages, which are indexed at =>http://www.loveallpeople.org/songsearch-indexpage.html


This is my favorite hymnal of all time, and the best-selling hymnal on the market today. It has EVERYTHING. I use it constantly, and I cheerfullyrecommend it to everyone who loves Christian music.Also, it makes a wonderful gift, for under $10.00!

For more information, and to order it from Christianbook.com, please click on the red book cover shown below.

The KJV Celebration Hymnal, Red
By Word Entertainment Inc
Created for blended worship, The Celebration Hymnal mixes traditional hymns with contemporary praise and worship choruses. This compilation of nearly 700 songs, plus dozens of Scripture readings and responsive readings, offers a viable choice for churches that want to sing time-tested hymns as well as newer praise choruses.

Features include suggested worship sequences, musical introductions and transitions, and multiple indices. This edition includes Scriptures from the KJV, and comes in a variety of colors. Also available (from the publisher) are a loose-leaf edition, orchestrations, and computer software.


Here Are Some of My Favorites

I selected a few of my favorite hymns, with performance-quality MIDI files, in the Public Domain, from various places around the Internet; then copied the MIDI files without major change, reformattedthe words, and made new HTML pages.

My Lord, What A Morning
Shall We Gather At The River?
Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
Is Not This The Land Of Beulah? (I wrote the MIDI sequence on this one.)
Softly And Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling

Next, you can visit these two, which both have an excellent selection of MIDI hymns with related lyrics.

HymnSite.com and NetHymnal.org

This one is the best I have found for MIDI hymn tunes unrelated to their lyrics. It is really outstandsing!

The Hymnary at Christian Classics Etherial LibraryThe Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary is an indexed collection of public-domain hymn tunes in electronic formats.

Then, please now go to GOOGLE.COM for everything else!

This link gets you to the Google search engine, looking for'MIDI hymns'. When you click on the link, you will go to Google, andyour search for 'MIDI hymns' will be made automatically.The links it finds will be shown on your screen, and all you have to do then is click on the links that were found!


If you don't have pkunzip.exe or don't know how to use it, you can geteverything you need here=>Get pkunzip.exe and info

Or you can get a free Public Domain unzipperHERE =>Free Public Domain Unzipper

For a MIDI tutorial, try this . . .=>A MIDI TUTORIAL

Also see Amazon for MIDI Items Enjoy! If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. You can contact me, Bill McGinnis, atbmcgin@patriot.net.

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Because 'What you do comes back to you.'
'Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated.'

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Blessings to you. May God help us all.

If you are looking for a spiritual home, please visit our website at =>Internet Church Of Christ
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All of our original content on all of our web pages is in thePublic Domain. You may link to these pages by any means you choose, including 'framing.'


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We are . . . Internet Church Of Christ - LoveAllPeople.org - Teaching the practical Christian life.
'Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated.'

You can follow Rev. Bill McGinnis on Twitter, at =>http://www.twitter.com/revbillmcginnis

God's One Law For All Mankind: 'Love All People As Yourself.'

Thank you for coming to our site. Our purpose is to provide others with free MIDI Files of wonderful Catholic Christian music to be used to spread God’s love to everyone, and to bring new musicians into the music ministry.

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We have over 200 video links and MIDI Files combined that are sure to be enjoyed by you and those that will have the pleasure of hearing them being played. We also have a large music files library on the way soon! With music, the possibilities of how we can reach others is endless! All of our MIDI Files and video links are safe and secure, so there is no need to worry. Click on the links above to access what you’re looking for, and feel free to browse around.

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